Page 2 - Spring2023
P. 2
attitude indicator
Spring 2023
and report bird activity. Pilots also play an important
s the weather warms up and we enter the role in bird strike prevention by being aware of the risk
Spring season, aircraft and pilot safety and and taking appropriate measures to avoid areas of
health become even more important. With the high bird activity.
changing weather patterns, pilots must be
vigilant to ensure the safety of their aircraft and In addition to safety concerns, pilots and crew must
passengers. also be mindful of their health during the Spring
season. Allergies and respiratory conditions can be
One of the main safety concerns during the Spring exacerbated by the increase in pollen and other
season is the risk of turbulence. As the warm air rises allergens during Spring. Pilots who suffer from
and collides with the cooler air, it creates instability in allergies must take appropriate measures to manage
the atmosphere. This can cause turbulence, which can their symptoms, such as taking antihistamines or
be especially dangerous for aircraft flying at high wearing a face mask.
Fatigue is also a
Pilots must be major concern for
prepared to pilots and crew
adjust their flight during the Spring
plans and take season. As the days
extra precautions get longer and the
to ensure the weather improves,
safety of their more people are
passengers and traveling, which
crew. This may means longer work
include changing hours for pilots and
their altitude or crew. This can lead
adjusting their to fatigue, which
flight path to can impact their
avoid areas of ability to perform
turbulence. their duties safely
and effectively.
In addition to
turbulence, pilots To combat fatigue,
must also be airlines and airports
prepared for must ensure that
sudden changes in weather conditions. Spring pilots and crew are given appropriate rest periods
weather can be unpredictable, with sudden storms between flights. Pilots must also be aware of their
and wind gusts that can impact the safety of the own fatigue levels and take appropriate measures,
aircraft. Pilots must be able to quickly adjust their such as taking short breaks or napping, to ensure that
flight plans to avoid dangerous weather conditions they are able to perform their duties safely.
and ensure the safety of their passengers.
Finally, pilots and crew must also be mindful of their
Another safety concern during Spring is the risk of bird exposure to UV radiation during the Spring season. As
strikes. As the weather warms up, birds begin to the sun becomes stronger, there is an increased risk of
migrate and breed, which can lead to an increase in skin damage and other health problems associated
bird activity around airports. This increases the risk of with prolonged exposure to UV radiation. Pilots and
a bird strike, which can cause significant damage to an crew should wear appropriate protective clothing and
aircraft and put the safety of the passengers and crew sunscreen to reduce their exposure to UV radiation.
at risk.
In conclusion, aircraft and pilot safety and health are
To reduce the risk of bird strikes, airports and airlines critical concerns during the Spring season. Pilots must
take a number of measures, such as using bird be vigilant to ensure the safety of their aircraft and
deterrence systems and training their staff to identify passengers in the face of changing weather conditions Page 2