Page 4 - Spring2023
P. 4

attitude indicator                                                                               Spring 2023


                                                              increase  in  fatigue,  which  can  negatively  impact  a
    In conclusion, a nation's potential economic default      pilot’s ability to make decisions and react quickly in
    can have a significant impact on the mental health of      the event of an emergency.
    aviation personnel. Job insecurity, financial strain, and
    high-stress environments can all contribute to mental     Additionally, dehydration caused by fasting can lead
    health issues such as depression and anxiety              to a decrease in blood pressure, which can increase
    disorders. However, by providing support and              the risk of fainting or dizziness, making it difficult for
              resources, creating a supportive workplace      pilots to carry out their duties safely.
             culture, and breaking down the stigma
          surrounding mental health issues, we can help       Pilots who fast during Ramadan may also experience
         to mitigate the impact of economic default on        changes in their sleep patterns. The pre-dawn meal,
         the mental health of aviation personnel. By doing    known as suhoor, and the breaking of the fast, known
    so, we can ensure that our aviation industry remains      as iftar, can disrupt a pilot’s usual sleep routine. This
    strong and that our personnel are healthy, happy, and     can lead to fatigue and reduced alertness during flight
    able  to  provide  the  highest  level  of  service  to  our   operations, which can compromise flight safety.
                                                              The CAA has made it clear that fasting during
    he Islamic  month of  Ramadan  is  a  time  of  religious   Ramadan is not an excuse for any pilot to be
    observance where Muslims around the world fast from       unavailable for their scheduled flight duties. It is the
    sunrise to sunset. This period can last between 29 to 30   responsibility of the pilot to plan their fasting schedule
    days, and during this time,                                               in a way  that does  not  compromise
    followers of Islam abstain                                                         their ability to perform their
    from food, drink,                                                                       duties safely.
    and       other
    p hy sic al                                                                                     Furthermore,
    n eed s                                                                                           airlines    are
    d ur in g                                                                                           required to
    t he                                                                                                 ensure
                                                                                                          that their
                                                                                                          pilots are
                                                                                                          aware of
    daylight                                                                                             t    h     e
    hours.                                                                                             c o mpan y ’ s
    Fasting during                                                                                regarding fasting
    Ramadan can have                                                                          during Ramadan. This
    various  effects  on  the                                                             is typically done through
    human body, including changes                                                training and awareness programs,
    in blood sugar levels, dehydration, and fatigue.                which provide pilots with the necessary
    These  effects  can  be  particularly  challenging  for    information to make informed decisions about their
    pilots, who are responsible for the safety of             fasting schedule.
    passengers and crew during flights.
    In recognition of these potential safety concerns, both   Pilots who are unable to operate a flight due to fasting
    the airline industry and the Pakistan Civil Aviation      are required to notify their airline at the earliest
    Authority (CAA) have policies in place that prohibit      possible opportunity. This allows the airline to make
    pilots from fasting while scheduled to operate a flight.   alternative arrangements to ensure that the flight is
    These policies are designed to ensure the safety of all   operated safely and on time.
    passengers and crew on board.
                                                              In conclusion, while fasting during the Islamic month
    The reasons behind these policies are rooted in           of Ramadan is an important religious observance for
    scientific  evidence.  Studies  have  shown  that  fasting   Muslims, it is important for pilots to understand the
    can lead to a decrease in cognitive function and an       potential safety risks associated with fasting and to                                                                                  Page 4
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