Page 7 - Spring2023
P. 7
attitude indicator Spring 2023
unway incursion is a serious aviation safety issue that on proper communication, situational awareness, and
poses a significant risk to passengers, crew members, adherence to standard operating procedures.
and airport personnel. A runway incursion occurs when Standardization: Standardization of taxiway layouts,
an aircraft, vehicle, or person enters the protected signage, and lighting can help reduce confusion and improve
area of an active runway without authorization. The potential safety. Consistent procedures for runway crossings and hold
for collisions between aircraft or between aircraft and ground short instructions can also help prevent runway incursions.
vehicles can result in catastrophic consequences, making Technology:The implementation of advanced technology
runway incursions a top priority for airport operators, air traffic such as runway status lights, ground radar, and automatic
control agencies, and aviation authorities worldwide. dependent surveillance- broadcast (ADS-B) can help improve
situational awareness and reduce the risk of runway
Causes of Runway Incursions: incursions.
Runway incursions can occur for a variety of reasons, Infrastructure improvements: Improvements to airport
including pilot error, miscommunication between air traffic infrastructure such as additional signage, better lighting, and
controllers and pilots, and insufficient airport infrastructure. new taxiway configurations can help reduce confusion and
Some of the most common causes include: improve safety.
Miscommunication: Miscommunication between pilots and Response to Runway Incursions:
air traffic controllers is one of the leading causes of runway In the event of a runway incursion, a quick and coordinated
incursions. Misunderstandings about taxi instructions, response is critical to minimize the risk of a collision. The
runway crossings, and hold short instructions can result in an following steps should be taken in response to a runway
aircraft entering an active runway without authorization. incursion:
Pilot error: Pilot error is another common cause of runway Stop all affected aircraft: All aircraft on the affected runway
incursion. Pilots may inadvertently taxi onto an active runway should be stopped immediately to prevent a collision.
or cross a runway without proper clearance due to confusion, Notify air traffic control:
distraction, or fatigue. Air traffic control should be notified of the incursion as soon as
Airport design: Airport design can also contribute to runway possible. They can issue instructions to other aircraft in the
incursions. Inadequate signage, confusing taxiway layouts, area to prevent a collision.
and insufficient lighting can make it difficult for pilots and Investigate the cause:
ground crews to navigate the airport safely. An investigation should be conducted to determine the cause
Human factors: Human factors such as fatigue, stress, and of the incursion. This will help identify any procedural or
complacency can also play a role in runway incursions. Air infrastructure issues that may have contributed to the
traffic controllers, pilots, and ground crew members who are incident.
tired or distracted may make mistakes that lead to runway Implement corrective action: Once the cause of the
incursions. incursion has been identified, corrective action should be
Prevention of Runway Incursions: taken to prevent future incidents. This may include changes
Preventing runway incursions requires a collaborative effort to procedures, infrastructure improvements, or additional
between airport operators, air traffic control agencies, and training for personnel.
aviation authorities. There are several measures that can be Conclusion:
taken to prevent runway incursions, including: Runway incursions are a serious aviation safety issue that
Education and training: Education and training requires a collaborative effort to prevent. Education
programs for pilots, air traffic controllers, and and training, standardization, technology, and
ground crews can help reduce the risk of runway infrastructure improvements are all key.
incursions. These programs should focus Page 7