Page 5 - Spring2023
P. 5
attitude indicator Spring 2023
adhere to the policies and guidelines set
forth by their airline and the Pakistan Civil Preventing CFIT Accidents: Preventing CFIT
Aviation Authority. Pilots should plan their accidents requires a multi-faceted approach that
fasting schedule in a way that does not involves a combination of training, technology, and
compromise their ability to perform their procedures. The following are some of the measures
duties safely, and should notify their airline as soon as that can be taken to prevent CFIT accidents:
possible if they are unable to operate a flight due to
fasting. By doing so, they can ensure the safety of all Pilot training: Pilots must be trained to recognize and
passengers and crew on board. avoid CFIT hazards. This includes training in
situational awareness, instrument flying, and the use
FIT (Controlled Flight into Terrain) is a type of aviation of terrain avoidance systems.
accident in which an aircraft, under the control of a
pilot, inadvertently flies into terrain, obstacles, or water Technology: Modern technology such as terrain
without the crew being aware of the situation until it is avoidance systems, radar altimeters, and GPS can
too late to take corrective action. CFIT accidents often
occur in poor visibility conditions, at night or in adverse help pilots to avoid CFIT hazards by providing
weather, and can be caused by a range of factors, real-time information on terrain and obstacles.
including pilot error, equipment failure, and Procedures: Air traffic control procedures can be
communication breakdown. implemented to reduce the risk of CFIT accidents. This
includes the use of standard routes and altitudes, as
CFIT accidents are among the most significant causes well as clear communication between air traffic
of aviation fatalities worldwide, accounting for a controllers and pilots.
significant proportion of all aviation accidents.
According to the National Transportation Safety Risk management: A comprehensive risk
Board (NTSB), CFIT accidents are responsible for management plan can help to identify and mitigate
around 25% of all general aviation accidents, and potential CFIT hazards. This includes regular safety
around 10% of all commercial aviation accidents. audits, hazard assessments, and the development of
Causes of CFIT. standard operating procedures.
There are many factors that can contribute to CFIT Conclusion:
accidents, including:
CFIT accidents are a significant threat to aviation
Pilot error: CFIT accidents are often caused by pilot safety, and the prevention of such accidents requires a
error, such as misreading instruments, coordinated effort from all stakeholders involved in
misinterpreting weather conditions, or failing to aviation operations. Pilots, air traffic controllers,
maintain proper situational awareness. manufacturers, and regulators must work together to
develop and implement effective strategies to
Equipment failure: Equipment failures such as mitigate the risk of CFIT accidents. By investing in
instrument malfunctions, sensor failures, or electrical pilot training, technology, and procedures, we can
problems can contribute to CFIT accidents. significantly reduce the number of CFIT accidents and
improve aviation safety.
Communication breakdown: Poor communication
between crew members or with air traffic control can
lead to CFIT accidents, as pilots may not be aware of
terrain or obstacle hazards.
Weather conditions: Poor visibility, high winds, and
turbulence can all contribute to CFIT accidents, as
pilots may be unable to see or avoid
terrain or Page 5