Page 8 - Spring2023
P. 8

attitude indicator                                                                               Spring 2023


             he aviation industry is one of the most complex   pilots, improving their skills and reducing the risk of
         and highly regulated industries in the world.        accidents caused by pilot error.
        Safety is of utmost importance in the aviation
        industry, and advancements in technology have         One of the most promising applications of AI in flight
    made  it  possible  to  improve  flight  safety.  One  of  the   safety is in the development of autonomous aircraft.
    most significant technological advancements that have      Autonomous aircraft are aircraft that can operate
    impacted flight safety is artificial intelligence (AI). In this   without a human pilot on board. While fully autono-
    article, we will explore the impact of AI on flight safety   mous aircraft are still in development, AI is already
    in the future.                                            being used to improve the safety of partially autono-
                                                              mous aircraft, such as drones.
    AI is a powerful tool that can analyze data and make
    predictions based on that data. In the aviation           Drones are being used in a wide range of applications,
    industry, AI is being used to improve flight safety by     from package delivery to inspection of infrastructure
    analyzing data from various sources, including flight      such as bridges and power lines. Drones can operate
    data  recorders,  weather  reports,  and  pilot           in environments that are too dangerous or difficult for
    reports. This data is then used to identify                        human pilots, such as during search and
    potential safety risks and make                                         rescue operations or in hazardous
    predictions about future risks.                                           weather conditions. However, operat-
    With the help of AI, airlines can                                             ing drones can be challenging, and
    take proactive measures to                                                      accidents can occur if the drone
    mitigate potential risks and                                                     is not operated correctly. AI is
    prevent accidents.                                                                being used to improve the
                                                                                      safety of drone operations by
    One area where AI has already                                                     enabling drones to detect and
    made  a  significant  impact  on                                                    avoid obstacles and other
    flight    safety    is   in    aircraft                                              aircraft. Additionally, AI
    maintenance. AI algorithms can analyze                                            algorithms can analyze data
    data from sensors on the aircraft and predict                                    from the drone's sensors to
    when maintenance is required. This predictive                                    predict potential  safety  issues,
    maintenance approach can help airlines reduce the                              such as battery life or adverse
    number of unscheduled  maintenance events,  which                         weather conditions. This information
    can lead to delays and cancellations. Additionally, by               can be used to make informed decisions
    predicting maintenance needs before a part fails,                   about  when  and  where  to  fly  the  drone,
    airlines can prevent potential safety issues and reduce            reducing the risk of accidents.
    the risk of accidents caused by equipment failure.
                                                              While  AI  has  the  potential  to  improve  flight  safety,
    Another area where AI is being used to improve flight      there are also concerns about the use of AI in the avia-
    safety  is  in  air  traffic  control.  AI  algorithms  can   tion industry. One concern is that reliance on AI could
    analyze data from various sources, including weather      lead to complacency among pilots and air traffic con-
    reports, radar data, and flight schedules, to optimize     trollers.  If  pilots  and  air  traffic  controllers  rely  too
    the routing of aircraft. By optimizing the routing of     heavily on AI, they may not be as vigilant in identifying
    aircraft,  air  traffic  controllers  can  reduce  the  risk  of   potential safety risks.
    collisions  and  minimize  delays.  Additionally,  AI
    algorithms can predict potential safety issues, such as   Additionally, there are concerns about the potential
    severe weather conditions or congestion, and provide      for AI to be hacked or manipulated. If AI systems are
    air traffic controllers with the information they need      compromised, they could provide incorrect informa-
    to make informed decisions.                               tion to pilots and air traffic controllers, leading to acci-
                                                              dents. Another concern is the potential for AI to be
    AI is also being used to improve pilot training. AI       biased. If AI algorithms are trained on biased data,
    algorithms  can  analyze  data  from  flight  simulators   they could make decisions that discriminate against
    and  real-world  flights  to  identify  areas  where  pilots   certain groups of people. This could lead to unequal
    need additional training. This data can then be used to   access to air travel.
    develop customized training programs for individual                                                                                  Page 8
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